Those Who Try and Change Acts 2:38

Acts 2:38 Modern Literal Version (MLV):  And Peter said to them, Repent and be immersed* every one of you* in the name of Jesus Christ *for the forgiveness of your* sins, and you* will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (here is the whole chapter if you want to read in context)

* denote Appendix items as such:
immersion* - baptism
you* - plural you

*for represents the Greek preposition ‘eis’ that is literally translated as ‘into’, ‘to’ or ‘toward’. It never means ‘because of.’ Sometimes to substitute ‘leading toward’ works very well to get the meaning across and has been used by many translations in some places. This preposition expresses forward action in the Greek verb where the English word ‘for’ can be used with verbs of actions past or future. All Greek words in the ‘Modern Literal Version’ that mean 'because' are translated as 'because'. (SEE the exception below.)

for* represents the Greek word ‘gar.’ It is a conjunction with no exact English equivalent. It is a mild form of ‘because.’ (See more below.)

For has no true Greek equivalent. ‘To’ is the literal translation in all places in the ‘Modern Literal Version’ excluding the above examples for prepositions. (Also, ‘in/on behalf of’ Greek word equivalent is translated as such.) To best describe ‘for*,’ the conjunction, is ‘We put people in jail for* murder.’ To best describe ‘*for’ the preposition, is ‘We put people in jail to murder.’)

Now that you have Read the Truth about the Greek preposition 'eis' and the various FOR's in the Modern Literal Version the world's most accurate Bible translation.

NOW for the FALSE:

From Dana and Mantey's Greek grammar. They give "because of" as one possible meanings, with Matt 12:41; Rom 4:20 as examples

1. 'because of' is a conjunction.  eis is a preposition
2. Conjunctions have no action value or so backward action. eis is always denotes forward action.

Dana & Maney were Baptist and they let their religious views get in the way.

Matthew 12:41 The Ninivites will stand up with this generation in the judgment and will condemn it: because they repented after the preaching of Jonah, and behold, more-than Jonah is here. (MLV)

Prepositions do have a wide variety of meaning when you have to express them in a different language.  Here the translators of the Modern Literal Version adapted AFTER, a preposition which properly describes what happened. Remember action in eis is after the verb. Nivivites were saved after Jonah's preaching. Not before it.

Look at the other example:
Romans 4:20 Yet, looking toward the promise of God, he did not doubt through unbelief, but became empowered through faith, giving glory to God,
Here the MLV translators supplied a simple verb to describe accurately the statement and yet not change the preposition to a conjunction. Remember Abraham had not received the promise yet it was still in his future. (The forward action of eis was kept intact.)

In Acts 2:38 a person is given forgiveness of sins after immersion, not before.

Is that how you were saved from you sins?  

All BLUE is quoted from the Modern Literal Version and its Preface or Appendix. 

Copyright by Butch Walker 2012. May be freely copied for non-profit uses. Content may not be changed.

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